Monday, June 18, 2007

What Movie Is Your Love Life Like?

Your Love Life is Like Pretty Woman

"I want the fairy tale"

You believe that love is truly blind, unpredictable, and surprising. Two very different people can easily find true love. (Yes, my marriage is proof of that.)
At least, that is how it will happen when you marry a gorgeous billionaire someday ;-)
(My husband will be sad to hear that!)
Your love style: Sensual and flirty

Your Hollywood Ending Will Be: Surprisingly happy

(Click the following link to try it yourself)


Melanie said...

OK, I did this too. It said my movie love life was like Annie Hall. Isn't that a Woody Allen flick? Never saw it. Anyway, this is what it came up with:

"A relationship, I think, is like a shark. You know? It has to constantly move forward or it dies."

You believe that love (if you even believe in love!) is a very complicated thing.
Maybe love is pain. Or maybe it's all a big therapy session. You're still figuring it out.

Your love style: Brainy and a bit neurotic

Your Hollywood Ending Will Be: Realistic and reflective

So, what do you think? is it me or what? LOL

Janelle Dakota's blog said...

Whoa. Creepy. Spot-on, I'd say ;)

Anonymous said...

Love is like a shark? I never would have guessed, but yeah--move forward or die. I must have missed a great movie when I missed Annie Hall.

Can you see that line as the title of a romance novel? I really, really like it.

But my quiz said I am the fairy tale type.


Janelle Dakota's blog said...

Think of the short story that would make: Love is Like a Shark. Or the action-adventure novel: Move Forward or Die.

I pictured you as the fairy-tale type, too.

Cidermaker said...

Mine came out as The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Boy have I got problems!! LOL

Janelle Dakota's blog said...

Clive, I knew there was something different about you. :)

Cidermaker said...

Just love the sound o' them chainsaws; better than the smell of napalm in the morning!!!