Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Remember how in touch I was with my story just weeks ago? And how I took a little time off from writing to get my bearings after putting my dog down? Well, my muse has escaped. I've been looking everywhere for him. The most he does these days is linger in that moment between awake and asleep and whisper sweet plot changes in my ear. (To which of course I quickly stumble to the computer and enter on my manuscript. You ought to see my surprise the next day. I've been feeling a bit like the shoemaker.)

Time to take matters into my own hands and show my story - and my muse - that I mean business.

I've printed off the first third of the manuscript and I'm rearranging the scenes until I find the best way to work in the plot changes. You know, the ones my muse has been whispering in my somnambulent ear. Once I determine how to launch the story properly, I'm off to the middles with my motive, method, and opportunity list. I intend to damage to the reputations of my characters. Sully their names. Cast suspicion upon them.

If you should see my muse, please tell him that while I appreciate the insights, I'd prefer he called upon me during normal business hours.


CJ said...

Okay, that's too funny mainly because I understand it so very well!

Oh, and my muse has been missing since December, right after NaNo. I think she knew what kind of winter was coming and absconded to the sunny tropics.

I'll shoo yours home if you do the same if you spot mine. She'll be the one sipping pina coldas...


Janelle Dakota's blog said...

I'll be in Mexico in a month or so. Hmmm. I might find your muse hanging out on the beach with mine. Our gray Seattle winters can be a bit depressing, so my guy could have headed south, too. Maybe they're together, enjoying a vacation fling. LOL and maybe they'll actually come up with some great ideas together. We could be a team :)

Madison Leigh said...

I'd ask Wilhelm, but he is obviously taking a day off, too...

Don't beat yourself up too much, though, it always takes a bit to get back into things after a break.

Am I the only freak whose muse has a name? Does yours smoke? Wear his bathrobe all day and mutter curses in German? He's got crazy-hair too. At least cj's muse sounds personable. Mine's just a grump. We have a love-hate relationship, me and my muse.

CJ said...

Mine is name Calliope. Yeah, classic and boring, I know, but from what I can tell, she's anything but. And I flat out don't get the poetry thing because I'm not much for poetry. All I can tell you is this - she disappears when I don't want her to, shows up when I've got far too much other stuff to do to listen to her, and she encourages my characters, those joyful creatures I struggle to give birth to, to be obstinate and frustrating.

If you find them together in Mexico, let me know. Maybe I'll be ready to do a little abconding myself!


elysabeth said...

You mean there are normal hours for writers? I thought all muses showed up like that, at the ungodliest of all hours and rewrites our brilliantly written words and then leaves the mess for us to clean up. Oh well, mine seems to always be gone but I need to jump on someone's tails and get my stories written - lol - maybe I'll be more inspired after the book festival this weekend - see you all in the postings - E :)

Janelle Dakota's blog said...

Sounds like I need to name my muse. Hmmm. The name Devlin comes to mind immediately.