Thursday, September 13, 2007

The Dakota Family?

Most of you know my real name isn't Janelle Dakota. That's my pseudonym. But it's so much fun to have an online persona. Freedom! I can be Janelle, the author! I can indulge in my first love: writing.

But the majority of my heart belongs to my family: My husband of almost 19 years, my 12 year old son, my 9 year old daughter, and my old dog, Sadie. Of course, what person doesn't have extended family and the obligations therewith? And let's not forget to add homeschooling to the Dakota family recipe and the addition we're building on our house. All in all, I have the usual amount of distractions that any writer has to attend to.

My children love to write. They love to read. What more could a writing mom desire, besides a little writing time of her own? I am thrilled whenever I see my kids catch the writing buzz and really get into their stories. My children and I often read the same books and the discussions we have are enlightening for me as a writer.

But this year, I am missing my son. He started 7th grade at the local school. I know he is well-prepared and a great student (Honors! Proud Mom moment!) and my daughter and I are enjoying the one-on-one time, but...I miss homeschooling my son.


elysabeth said...

Just think - your son has so much to bring to his school life now that he would have never gotten had you not homeschooled him for the first 6 grades. And from what I know, he probably is way ahead in his classes than most 7th graders. I should know - some of the things you guys did last year was way more than anything our kids were doing even in a high school level. But then again, our school systems are so far behind the rest of the world - hahaha - but we do have some very intelligent kids in the systems but unfortunately they have to kind of do their own thing - or conform to the low end of things and get lost in the shuffle. Hopefully mine will excel like they should and shine throughout his school years. I know you are very proud of him and miss him very much but you have given him so much already - it's his time to show the rest of the world what he has has gleaned from you - showing what a good teacher/mother you are - talk soon - see you in the postings - E :)

Janelle Dakota's blog said...

Awwwww! Thanks, E :)