Friday, September 14, 2007

Not Your Average Joe

Joe didn't win the Lunch Hour Stories 2007 short story contest, but it was mentioned.

Of course, now I'm wondering a few things, such as how many entries there were. 10? :) (Hey, I'm being honest. My immediate reaction was to count the honorable mentions and notice "Joe" was at the bottom of the list.) Do I email the editor at Lunch Hour Stories and ask them to use my pseudonym on the website or just leave it? I'm free to send "Joe" elsewhere. So does it even matter that they used the wrong name?


Melanie said...

I think it's entirely up to you. Since your story is not published there, though, I myself wouldn't bother. If a publisher wants to make sure you actually were a finalist, then he'll still know you are you-know-who from your cover letter.

elysabeth said...

I agree with Mel - if Joe gets accepted somewhere else - your contract would have both and they can check against that and where you say you are mentioned as a finalist. Either way, it is your story.

I'm glad you are getting a little writing in right now. Me - I want to write something but haven't even looked for a contest to write for - need to do something soon - but with band season upon us - every weekend, well at least every Saturday, from now until the end of October is taken up and the very last weekend of October is the conference in Myrtle Beach, so that weekend will be totally full - but I can deal with it - something will happen for me - E :)