Monday, December 22, 2008

Another poem

Quick update: I lost internet after a switch to a new ISP. Everyone's computer but mine could connect. Nobody knew how to fix it. I seem to have poor luck with anything electronic these days! But all is well now.

We're experiencing one of the biggest snow storms Seattle has ever seen. I have a foot of snow at my house. I love the hush that snow provides, but if I lose my power I suspect the snow will lose its beauty.

Sean has done it again! I like this poem very much. In this English assignment, his poem needed to portray a paradox. I think he also manages a bit of a transformation here as well. No, he is not an angst-filled teen; he is actually a well-adjusted young man with a great imagination, the inability to put his dirty socks in the clothes hamper, and a little too much RPG experience :)

By Sean Roberts

Life is existence.
But, is it really life?
Are you free?
Do you have power?
Are you always happy?
Are you sure?

Death is nonexistence.
Your soul,
Your spirit,
Living in an invisible world,
Spying on the ones,
Who appear to be living.
Watching as the world unravels.
Watching as new souls are prepared for torture.
Knowing that soon,
It will be your turn again.

Is it truly life we experience?
Or is it death?
Vessels to a spirit who cannot roam free,
A spirit waiting to get out,
Waiting to live as it pleases,
Not needing food,
Not experiencing pain,
Not experiencing sadness,
Able to live with freedom.

Life is Death.


Melanie R. Meadors said...

Hey, that's pretty deep. Doesn't sound angsty to me, BTW, just thoughtful. I mean, every second of our life we are dying, getting closer to the end of our lives. We are born to die.

CJ said...

I'm impressed, both by his talent and his grasp of things that most kids his age don't seem to think about a whole lot.


elysabeth said...

Great job. Looks you may have a poet in your family and who knows, perhaps a future novelist. Very deep stuff. Thanks for sharing with us.

Hope you all had a merry Christmas and that the new year is full of joy and hope, and that your wishes and dreams come true this year. Hope you all shine like the stars you are - E :)

Jennifer said...

Check him out! I agree, this is pretty deep and beyond his years. I hope he keeps it up and it helps him find himself and his voice as he grows into this world.

Much, much love to all of you!

Anonymous said...

That is a lovely poem!! And horray this is my first comment on your blog!! I am such a bad friend for not commenting sooner. lol

Anonymous said...

Nice job, Sean. You have done some good thinking and reflecting.
