Saturday, March 17, 2007

The world of online publishing

So, I'm learning a lot about e-books and downloads and how the whole Internet-as-a-marketing-medium thing works. There was a log-in issue on Echelon but they're getting it sorted out and ordering my e-book should be easier next week.

One thing I'm really looking forward to is being able to find my e-book on Amazon. That will be a thrill.

However, it isn't the same as walking into a Barnes & Noble or a Border's and seeing my book on the shelf. Which brings me back to where I want to be: writing! Heidi has been lazing around in my manuscript, twiddling her thumbs, waiting for me for far too long. She keeps asking me questions like, "Why can't I find a decent job?" and "What's really keeping me from meeting Dave in person?"

I know: there are medications for that. But we writers actually enjoy hearing voices. It means our characters are real for us. Now it's my job to make Heidi real for the reader.


elysabeth said...

you go girl - You will get Heidi and Dave out there and real for the readers - looking forward to seeing where you end up with them - E :)

Anonymous said...

Hey, just remember our mascot, the caffeinated spider. Be the spider. Weave your twisted web.

Elisabeth Fitzgerald said...

Only us "creative" types can get away with hearing voices and claiming to be normal...;-) Loves it.