Monday, March 26, 2007


An exciting morning: I had a major breakthrough on Falling Short!

Backtrack: Falling Short is a complete rewrite of a project from last May. I hit it with Karen Weisner's First Draft in 30 Days and titled it Best Stressed Woman for NaNo in November. After finishing NaNo, I began the process of filling the holes in the plot - little things that came up as I wrote that needed to be filled in earlier. Then I set the story aside, unable to put my finger on what the story needed. More tinkering prompted a title change. Still more tinkering resulted in a few characters being omitted. And today...

I GOT IT! I figured out what the story needed!


Anonymous said...

Oh, "What will the title be?" My favorite game....unfortunately, I'm bad enough at figuring out my own titles; I'd have a really hard time coming up with one for a story that I don't know that much about... "Jane's Story, a piece of literary wonder.."

elysabeth said...

woohooo - she figured out what she needed - what a great accomplishment - I'm thinking of submitting my story once I get it revised - somewhere - lol - Echelon is taking submissions for quite a bit right now but not sure I'll go with her - but hey - you never know - E :)