Sunday, November 4, 2007

Day Three

I finally surpassed the 10,000 word mark on the rewrite of Falling Short. 10,000 words isn't a big deal since I started NaNo with 8900 words, but the way my November has gone so far, it's a milestone worth noting.

My word count is now 11,234 making my NaNo tally 2,334. Lame, considering I should have over 7,000 by now, but at this point I'm happy to have forward progress.

And the story! I'm pleased to say that it's surprised me already. Remember the narrator idea? I changed it slightly. And it's working! Multiple POV isn't gimmicky, new, or trendy. (Multiple POV is where the author shows a different character viewpoint each chapter - the multiple referring to more than two character viewpoints - and so far I have 5.) It's been used a lot for a reason. Yes, I know it will drive some people batty, but it's brought the characters, and the story, to life.

I also made notes today on a few changes to the short story I recently finished, the one I titled "Devil's Breath."

Hoping to bring my word count close to 15,000 tomorrow.


Melanie said...


Hey, I believe that multiple third is the most popular POV there is right now. I've been playing with multiple first. The only thing to remember is to make sure everyone knows whose head they are in, but really, as long as you are conscious of that, it's not that hard. Go Jane Go!

Janelle Dakota's blog said...

Um, yeah, only I've blended my multiples LOL. I have multiple third, plus a character who likes to appear only in first. Not unheard of, I know. As you said, so long as the reader knows whose head they are in, it isn't that hard. The one thing I hear readers complaining about is wanting to get back to another character. But it builds tension if you leave them at a point where they want to know more. It seems to be working really well for me.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comment on my website, Janelle.

And congrats on the WC! I always feel good when I'm working on a longer project and hit 10k.