Saturday, November 24, 2007

What? It's almost over?

It was so cold today. Boy was I wishing to be back in Mexico! The hubby and kids and I launched rockets today. Great day for launching except for the fact that it was 35 degrees. It was so cold my extremities were numb for an hour after we got in the nice warm car.

I'm finally hitting stride again on the writing and November is winding to a close.

You know, I was just thinking...

As we've labored over the addition to our home, we've watched a professional developer erect houses in the lot behind us quickly and (for the most part) with great efficiency. Every step of the way, those construction crews have run circles around us and made us feel like our progress was slow. But we have done it ourselves (and with the help of a truly wonderful neighbor). We know that each step of the way, we've built a good, solid house and we've learned a lot.

I think my progress on Falling Short v4 is like that - good, solid characters and plot - and during this past year of working on the story, I've learned a lot, too.

Despite the tendonitis, it feels good to be buried in my story again.

I'll post the slideshow tomorrow. I hope. I still don't know how to get it from my files to the blog...

Word count: 17,351 (I promise I'll try to turn off my inner editor tomorrow)
Conference fund: $189

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Don' worry, Jane, I've seen those houses get built with speed and efficiency....but I think quality gets left behind. I'd much rather have my old house, which has its problems but that has a great frame and foundation, than have a new one that was built to be more or less disposable. :) It's the stories with the good foundations that people keep coming back to when they want something that's dependable.